Philippe Henriot

(January 7, 1889 - June 28, 1944) was a man of many talents. He was a poet, a politician, a journalist and alas he was a Minister in the French government at Vichy.

28 June 1944


This June 28, we commemorate the 79th anniversary of the assassination of the Minister of Information of the Vichy government - Philippe Henriot. The hard part wasn'tlosing you, it was learning to live without you. You will always be in our memories, prayers and heart...
Philippe Henriot
« Philippe Henriot avait 55 ans (…). Depuis 20 ans, il mettait au service de la France sa magnifique éloquence, étincelante de flamme, vibrante de sincérité qui exaltait ses amis, qui contraignait ses adversaires eux-mêmes au respect et à l’attention. C’est la France qu’il cherchait à sauver, il y a dix ans, contre la corruption où la démocratie allait sombrer.
C’est la France qu’il défendait avec la même passion, quand elle fut en guerre avec l’Allemagne (…). C’est à la France encore et toujours qu’il consacrait son dévouement, son talent et qu’il avait fait d’avance le sacrifice de sa vie depuis un armistice qui avait définitivement mis fin aux vaines et stériles querelles du passé et c’est par amour pour elle qu’il s’efforçait de collaborer à la grande reconstruction de l’Europe nouvelle. Il a vécu et il est mort en Français mais aussi en Européen (…).
Seul un lâche assassinat pouvait faire taire sa voix. Il a été accompli dans des conditions abjectes où l’on reconnaît la main de l’Intelligence service et de ceux qui sont à sa solde. Mais il est des hommes que la mort elle-même ne tue pas, prophétise-t-il.
Philippe Henriot est de ceux-là. Il survivra par son admirable exemple de courage et d’abnégation, par ses inoubliables leçons et par la honte qui s’attachera à jamais à ses assassins ».

𝑅𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑡 𝑑𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 29 Juin 1944


( 𝘒𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘦𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘻𝘶𝘮 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘥  )

  • PDF download books
  • eBook
  • Philippe Henriot - Ici, Radio-France
  • Philippe Henriot - Le 6 février
  • Henriot Philippe - End 1943 speech
  • Philippe Henriot - L’Abyssinie lors de l'expédition anglaise (1867-1868)
  • Philippe Henriot - L’Abyssinie lors de l'expédition anglaise (1867-1868)

French Minister of Information and Propaganda.

Philippe Henriot ( 7 January 1889 28 June 1944 )

...was a man of many talents. He was a poet, a politician, a journalist and alas he was a Minister in the French government at Vichy. He was a beloved director and orator of political broadcasts. He was also a part-time member of Milice, which he joined in 1943. He believed 'with a deep-seated conviction that Christian civilization was engaged in a life and death struggle against Bolshevism.

Philippe Henriot was a devoted Roman Catholic. In 1936 the head of the FNC, General de Castelnau, described Henriot as 'an ardent defender of religion, the family and society.'

It was such beliefs that led Henriot in 1941 to support the Axis invasion of the communist Soviet Union. He stated correctly:

" Bolshevism is the enemy of Christianity."

He was beloved by many for his passionate speeches.

Eloquent and dedicated, when Philippe Henriot's voice crackled through the radio waves all of France listened, even his enemies. Indeed he was so beloved and influential that 'Families shift their meal times so as not to miss him. There is no-one left in the street at the time he speaks.' His enemies called him the 'French Goebbels'.

In 1943 Henriot was appointed Secretary of State for Information. As the government's spokesman he created many broadcasts and programs for Radio Paris. He also broadcast twice a day on Radio Vichy. On January 6, 1944 his talents led him to be made the French Minister of Information and Propaganda. Only five months later, on June 28, 1944, a group of cowardly assassins murdered him in cold blood outside his home at the Ministry building.

Philippe Henriot was given a State Funeral in Paris, presided over by Cardinal Suhard in Notre Dame Cathedral. Many thousands of mourners paid their last respects to this beloved national hero.

Immer wenn wir von dir erzählen, fallen Sonnenstrahlen in unsere Seelen. Unsere Herzen halten dich umfangen, so, als wärst du nie weg gewesen.

Was bleibt, sind Liebe und Erinnerung. Ich widme diese Web-Seite Familie Philippe Henriot.

Sławomir A.